This month, we meet Rajesh Shukla, Assistant Director of Enterprise Applications, who has been at Clark for 7 years.
Rajesh helps to manage Banner, the university’s Student (and employee) Information System and everything connected to it. One of Rajesh’s most important responsibilities is ensuring that everyone “gets paid on time,” since paycheck information is directly related to Banner. With 25 years of experience in technology, including in data, healthcare, and cloud computing, Rajesh enjoys the collaborative nature of working with different groups in ITS and likes finding automation solutions for not only work, but everything in his life.
Outside of work, Rajesh, a native of India, loves following cricket. He’s currently listening to Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain on audiobook and wishing for the superpower of easily remembering names. Rajesh is happy to discuss how to make technology work for you, rather than the other way around. Click here for contact information.