Creating Strong Passwords

Creating and maintaining passwords can sometimes be frustrating. Each website and system we use, inside and outside of Clark, can often have different requirements when it comes to building a password. This can often make you wonder what actually makes a password safe, and what tools are available to help us make sure our passwords are really secure.

As you think about securing your online identity and data (it’s what passwords do for us); be it on social media, on personal accounts, or on Clark systems, it is important for you to create strong passwords. This article, from, gives some instructions and information around what strong passwords are in general, details about how to create a strong password, and details about what tools some websites use to help you keep your passwords and data safe. Click here to read more.

Additionally, if you would like to learn more about the Clark ITS password policy and the recommendations we have for creating a secure password on campus, they can be viewed by clicking here.