
Panopto is an easy-to-use, video creation and hosting platform that is available for all faculty and staff members to use. Panopto allows you to record a webcast style video, record your screen, or upload and convert an existing presentation (such as a PowerPoint slide deck) to share with others.

Panopto has been available on campus for a couple of years, and a few of the things that  people are currently doing with it at Clark include:

  • Recording videos that explain an assignment or concept.
  • Creating demonstrations of software and experiments by capturing anything you show on your screen.
  • Allowing students to create video presentations as part of an assignment.
  • Recording meetings or classes for review at a later date.

While Panopto is primarily used with courses and accessed via Moodle, it doesn’t have to be. If you are an office or student group on campus that would like to make video content available, turn a PowerPoint slide deck into a video, or talk about other ideas you may have for the platform please click here to contact the Academic Technology team.

To learn more about what Panopto can do, check out this support page, or click here to contact the Academic Technology team.