With the beginning of the academic year fully underway, the Clark University’s Net Impact chapter held its welcome meeting in early September.
Second year dual-degree student Meghan Kelly, club president, gave an overview of the national Net Impact organization, as well as Clark’s chapter on campus. She urged the new students to join the vast network of more than 100,000 students and professionals across the country who want to positively impact the environment through their careers. The attendees were excited to learn about the seemingly unlimited networking and career building opportunities that Net Impact provides to members.
The overview was followed by an introduction of the leadership team. In particular, Matt Schuster (MBA, concentration in sustainability, expected May ’17), the vice president of internal relations, shared his experiences from the National Net Impact Conference, which he attended in Seattle in 2015. He talked about the workshops he attended as a part of the event, some of which were hosted by sustainability officers from companies such as Starbucks and Toyota. He reiterated that being corporate responsibility in sustainability is instrumental for the long term growth and success of businesses and business professionals.
The members of the leadership team then discussed their calendar for the year, and the myriad of activities that the group will take part in. Popular events include the 2016 Net Impact Boston Career Summit, the Energy Symposium, Green Business Incubator Tour, and the National Conference to be held in Philadelphia this year.
Ruoxi Han, an MSA student, noted, “I am glad I attended this meeting. I now know that I can be a part of this global organization and make an impact with my career. The events and activities are held at different locations all over the country, too, so it sounds like a good opportunity to visit new places and make new friends as well.”
Graduate students interested in the Net Impact chapter and its activities can find more information on the group’s Facebook page or email Laura Burgess, Program Director – Academic & Student Services, at LBurgess@clarku.edu .
~ Article by GSOM student, Namisha Bhattarai, MSA ’18