Professor Emerita SunHee Gertz, Professor Betsy Huang, and PhD candidate Lauren Cyr’s New Anthology

Diversity and Inclusion has been on the English Department’s mind recently. As we dive deeper into issues that our collective community faces, it’s easy to see how our interaction with these issues can shape our education, and shape the way we interact with each other. Earlier this academic year, the English Department hosted the Global Cultures…

Professor Vaughan: Learning Through Teaching

Virginia Vaughan is an emeriti faculty member of the English Department. She taught at Clark for 38 years and was the English Department Chair for 11 of those years. Her focus academically has been on Renaissance and Medieval literature and she has written several books on Shakespeare. Professor Vaughan first became interested in studying English…

Creative Writing Minor Kaiomi Inniss Will Intern at Pulse Magazine

Kaiomi Inniss (’19), a newly-declared Creative Writing minor, has recently landed a journalism internship at Worcester’s Pulse magazine, starting in February. She will be contributing to the arts and culture section of Pulse, covering events, such as exhibitions at art galleries around the city. “English has been my favorite subject since my childhood,” she recalled.…