Jenny Isler

Turn it up (the a/c, that is)!

Whew! It’s hot – and getting hotter! Air conditioning may be the only way to make it through the day; a cool haven from the baking streets of Worcester. But did you know you can enjoy your air conditioning and STILL make a difference for the climate? By turning the air conditioner’s thermostat up just 2…

Offices should buy recycled copy paper

Per Paul Wykes in the Business Office: Just a reminder that the University’s standard for copier/printer paper is to use paper that has at least 30% recycled content. Through our arrangement with the Colleges of Worcester Consortium Joint Purchasing Group, we get excellent pricing for this paper at WB Mason. The cost of the paper…

Clark recycles dead batteries

Yes — Clark recycles batteries, too! Please don’t put them in the trash – put them in the blue barrel in the University Center, under the stairs. We recycle all types of batteries (except car batteries). Thank you for helping Sustainable Clark recycle!