Student News

Student speaks out on Sodexo in op-ed

Clark student Celina Grisi submitted an op-ed to the Worcester Telegram and Gazette which was published today, Dec. 3. The article talks about Clark University’s responsibility over campus workers, Clark’s labor policy, and the university’s contracts with subcontractors.

IDSC student wins overall award for international agriculture and technology essay contest

The winners of the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) Agriculture Rural Development and Youth in the Information Society (ARDYIS) essay contest were announced at a gala dinner held during the CTA/NPCA Week 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Among the winners is second year International Development and Social Change student, Tyrone Hall. Hall,…

RLH Safety Committee Seeking Student Members

Concerned about safety on campus? Help to maintain a safe environment in your residence halls! The Residential Life and Housing Safety Committee is now forming for the year, and seeking interested students to be a part of the committee. The goal of the committee is to run proactive campaigns regarding safety issues in the residence…