Bottleless filtered water solution is now available

Water cooler in the office? Love cold filtered water on demand, and hot water for tea at the push of a button, but hate those big plastic bottles taking up space (with nasty BPA, by the way)? Scared someone’s going to throw out their shoulder lifting the things? Wonder about the ….stuff… in the little well under the bottle, or all the energy used to clean, store, process and fill the big bottles — or maybe just wonder why water has to come on a truck all the way from Maine  (how green is that?!?) when Worcester has some of the best purified water in the U.S.? Paul Wykes, Clark Business Manager, has a solution.

Poland Springs, our “water solutions provider,” will install a bottleless water cooler at no charge. It taps into our water lines (you need a sink within 25 ft), has a built-in filtration system, chills and heats water just the same – but with no big bottle on top!

Of course, for maximum sustainability and water-consciousness, a filter on the faucet and a pitcher in the fridge is the way to go. But this is a great solution for those offices that want to get rid of the bottle and keep the convenience. Interested in making the greener water switch? Contact our Poland Springs rep, Robert Neidel (508-935-3542) to find out about different models available.