Green/Brown Bag Lunch Series, May 23: Downing St., Sanford & Johnson projects

  • Wednesday, May 23; 12 to 1 p.m.
  • Grace Conference Room

What are you doing for lunch next week? Why not come over to the very first “Green/Brown Bag” lunch and have your meal with friends? Bring your own”brown bag” lunch or even bring something to share; we will provide water.

Listen to Mike Dawley, Director of Physical Plant, talk about what’s going on, green-wise, with the summer projects: Downing St., Johnson and Sanford Halls are all incorporating some very sustainable improvements to campus.

There will be ample opportunity for Q&A, talking about other sustainability initiatives, even sharing ideas and tips. The Green/Brown Bag lunches are zero-waste events — we will recycle and compost as  much as possible.

Sponsored by Sustainable Clark and the CSC.