Ph.D. candidate (clinical psychology) seeks summer research interns

I am looking for volunteer Research Assistants to work with me during the summer. I am a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology currently being advised by Prof. Abbie Goldberg. My research study, titled “The Perceived Impact of Marriage Equality: Experiences of Married and Unmarried Same-Sex Couples Living in Massachusetts,” is a qualitative exploration of same-sex couples’ perspectives on marriage equality.

I am specifically looking for volunteers to assist me with transcribing audio-recorded interviews; you will also have the opportunity to learn qualitative methods of analysis, and you will have a space to discuss your own perspectives on marriage equality and related issues. This is a great hands-on opportunity for psych majors and students interested in pursuing social science research, or for anyone who is simply interested in the issue of marriage equality!

If you are interested and will be staying local during the summer, please e-mail me as soon as possible at  so that we can talk more about this exciting project. Thank you!