Interested in being a TREK Leader?

The 2012 TREK Leader selection process has begun!  Here is some important information:

  • This year we will only be offering 2 programs – TREK: Restoration (which will return to Biloxi) and TREK: Expedition (hiking, camping and more extensive rock climbing).  The economy and rising cost of higher education expenses has made it very difficult for us to fill four programs.  We have made a decision to limit the programs to ensure that we can continue to offer scholarship monies within our operating budget.  Offering four programs that we cannot fill completely is simply not a cost-effective strategy.  We love all of our TREK trips, but we needed to conserve our overall budget to protect scholarship opportunities.
  • We are looking to hire 4 total TREK leaders this year (2 for Restoration and 2 for Expedition).  We will also select at least 2 alternates.  If interests exceeds our capacity for Expedition (currently set at 20 students), we will consider adding to that program and hiring an additional leader.
  • The application process is extremely important!  We will carefully and thoroughly review your application as the first part of our difficult selection process.  Unlike in past years, not all applicants will be automatically  invited for an interview. Please take time and care when filling out your application!
  • Applicants must be in good academic and judicial standing.
  • Applications are DUE on March 30, 2012.  Late applications cannot be accepted.  Students studying away or abroad are encouraged to apply and alternative interview arrangements will be made should those applicants move ahead in the selection process (Skype, phone, iChat, etc.).

If you are interested in applying, please email Dean Jason Zelesky for a complete explanation of both TREK programs as well as a copy of the application.