RSVP now for Friday’s I&E ‘The World is Yours’ event on failure and resiliency

The World is Yours 2012: Failure and Resiliency 

Failure is a Detour, not a Dead End.

Accelerate your journey to success
by networking with entrepreneurs from various fields.

Are you interesting is learning what roadblocks local entrepreneurs have to go through to start and sustain their businesses? Come enjoy an interactive event to understand how to get back up when you fail in business. The event will include light refreshments, a keynote address by Dean Cycon of Dean’s Bean’s, a local organic fair-trade coffee distributor, group networking featuring local entrepreneurs from various industries, and a student raffle.

The theme for this year’s event is failure and resiliency. Dealing with failure will be featured in networking sessions and the keynote speaker will discuss his experiences with failing and getting back up to succeed, as an entrepreneur. This event is run by Clark University’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship department. Center for Women and Enterprise will be co-sponsoring this event with Clark University to help bring entrepreneurs to students and the Worcester entrepreneurship community. Clark’s entrepreneurship club, Initial Advantage is also a sponsor of the event. This is a public event, so all are welcome to attend!

Current Confirmed Entrepreneurs:

Date: Friday, March 16, 2012

Time: 4 to 7 p.m.

Location: Dana Commons

Cost: FREE, but you must register to attend

Register: By email or call 508-421-3730