How does your Clark Community Garden grow? With your help!

Heather Goodale tends to the garden this summer.

Come help the Herban Gardeners grow the garden you voted 2010’s U-Reka second place winner!

Clark’s Community Garden is currently bursting with produce that needs harvesting and snacking: tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, carrots, kale, herbs, spinach, lettuce, radishes and arugula are all ripe and ready to be tossed, sliced, diced and just plain eaten.  The compost pile needs turning and a huge project is underway!

Winter gardening requires that repurposed glass windows from the old Recycling Center be constructed into some cold frames.  The garden is located at the far end of President’s field (behind Harrington House) and you can help by attending a meeting, Wednesdays 5 to 6 p.m. 

Contact Ruth Vizard at  to get on the listserv.  And please read the article on the Garden in the most recent issue of The Scarlet (page 3) for more information!