by Jessica Hoops, Clark University ‘18 The final faculty presentation of the Frankenstein at 200 Symposium was given by Professor Jennifer Plante, Director of the Writing Center and Writing Program at Clark. Her paper “The Sunken Place: Liminal Subjectivity in Get Out and Frankenstein” discusses liminality as it relates to systemic racism in Jordan Peele’s horror film Get Out, a theme that resonates…
Monthly Archives: May 2018
English Department Events
Frankenstein at 200 Symposium: Professor Patrick Derr, “Frankenstein and Bioethics”
by Melanie Jennings, Clark University ’19At the Frankenstein at 200 Symposium, interdisciplinary student and faculty talks from the English, Philosophy, and Screen Studies departments spoke to the legacy of Mary Shelley’s iconic novel in honor of its 200th anniversary. During the two-day event, scholars addressed issues of social justice, the liminal subject, bioethics and film…
English Department Events
Frankenstein at 200 Symposium: Professor Lisa Kasmer, “Frankenstein and Beautiful Failure”
by Logan ManchesterProfessor Kasmer, Associate Professor and Chair of the English Department, began the Frankenstein at 200 Symposium with her own thoughts on Shelley’s novel. Her deep love of the text was displayed as she brought her own studies in Marxist theory, postcolonialism and trauma theory to her analysis of Frankenstein. She depicted within the…