Tag Archive for millennials

New Clark Poll finds millennials grown up, getting by, and OK about turning 30

The often criticized “Me Generation” could be turning into the “We Generation” Clark University, the nation’s leading institution tracking the development of Emerging Adults (18-29 year olds), released its first poll of Established Adults (25-39 year olds), which shows a generation whose lives are deeply connected to children, parents, friends and co-workers – bonds strengthened…

Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults: We had it tougher; their future looks bright

Most parents say their grown children have a better life than they did when they were young, but their current life satisfaction is surprisingly similar to their children’s, according to the new Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults. The Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults (www.clarku.edu/clarkpoll/clark-university-poll-parents-emerging-adults.cfm) finds that 63% of parents…

Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults: College send-off can mean missing their BFFs

Forget those TV ads where parents gleefully anticipate “alone time” as they wave goodbye to their college-bound children. For most parents of emerging adults, back-to-school time means missing their best friends. The 2013 Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults  finds that parents and their emerging adults get along well, much better than they…

What is the key to being an adult? Clark releases new poll findings

Parents and their emerging adults rank ‘being responsible for yourself’ before money and marriage as key to becoming an adult What marks the beginning of true adulthood? Parents and their 18- to 29-year-old emerging adult children agree that the most important indicator is accepting responsibility for the consequences of your actions and mistakes, according to…