Tag Archive for clark

‘American Presidency’ students forecast crucial swing state votes

Elections always offer teachable moments, but the volatility, polarity and record spending related to the 2012 presidential race have given participants in Clark’s fall semester political science course The American Presidency real-world lessons they’re unlikely to forget. Twenty-three students enrolled in “The American Presidency,” taught by Jim Gomes, Director of the Mosakowski Institute for Public…

Fungal researchers hold regional meeting at Lasry Bioscience Center

More than 60 scientists gathered at Clark University for MassMyco, the first regional meeting of fungal biologists in New England, held at the Lasry Center for Bioscience, on Oct. 27. Posters and oral presentations covered all aspects of fungal biology, including ecology, genomics, and discussion on all aspects of fungal biology. The MassMyco meeting organizers…

Student researcher Hostetler ’13 named O’Connor HERO Fellow

Clark University senior Andrew E. Hostetler is among a select group of student researchers who are members of the national Human-Environment Regional Observatory (HERO) program based at Clark. On Oct. 16, Hostetler received the added honor of being named the 2012 O’Connor HERO Fellow. The O’Connor HERO Fellowship is named for the late Clark University…

Clark University’s 7 new M.A.D. Scholars set to make a difference

Seven first-year Making a Difference (M.A.D.) Scholarship recipients joined the Clark Community this fall, continuing to demonstrate their leadership and meaningful commitment to social change. The M.A.D. scholarships are offered to incoming first-year students. Recipients are offered a stipend and housing allowance to support projects they may undertake in the Worcester community during the summer…

Clark University among partners lauded for Main South housing

A ribbon-cutting ceremony outside a new housing unit on Hammond Street on Oct. 25  heralded the completion of the Kilby-Gardner-Hammond Revitalization Project, a major initiative to provide safe, affordable housing in the Main South area. The project was accomplished under the auspices of the University Park Partnership, a collaboration involving Clark University, the Main South…

Prof. Stephens presents ‘smart grid’ research at Denmark conference

Clark University associate professor of Environmental Science and Policy, Jennie Stephens, presented research and organized a research panel on energy system transitions at the annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) conference held Oct. 17 to 20 at the Copenhagen Business School in Frederiksberg, Denmark. At the conference, which was held jointly with…