Yearly Archives: 2014

CLARK magazine earns awards

The Clark University alumni magazine has received two awards in the annual Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District I Excellence Awards Contest. CLARK alumni magazine earned a gold award for best design, and a bronze for best writing for magazines with circulations of 25,000 and above. “We appreciate the recognition from our…

Clark University scientist challenges government on carbon capture and storage subsidies

  Jennie Stephens, associate professor of environmental science and policy at Clark University, has published an opinion piece recommending that the resources devoted to reducing carbon emissions be redirected to finding alternatives to fossil fuels. In the Dec. 20, 2013, piece, which was published in the prestigious international journal Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change and…

Physics research in Kudrolli lab attracts major funding support

Despite a difficult environment for research funding around the nation in recent years, important work conducted in Clark University Professor Arshad Kudrolli’s physics laboratory has, in just recent months, attracted major research grants. Kudrolli, who is the Jan and Larry Landry University Professor at the Department of Physics, and members of the Complex Matter and Nonlinear…

Clark University prof. publishes collection of essays about beauty

Beauty matters. It defines identity and causes controversy. A volume of essays about how beauty has done so over the course of the twentieth century—all across the world—has recently been released by Thomas Kuehne, Clark University professor of history and Strassler Family Chair in the Study of Holocaust History, and Hartmut Berghoff, director of the…

Students work toward a more sustainable Clark University

Strategies to “green” Clark University, ranging from planting “edible landscaping” to divesting in fossil fuels, formed the theme of final team projects in The Sustainable University course taught by Jennie Stephens, associate professor of environmental science and policy in the Department of International Development, Community, and Environment. The student teams made their proposals at a…