Monthly Archives: June 2012

Findings point to fungi as prime suspects in fossil fuel mystery

Clark research plays key role in landmark paper on fungal genome evolution; Co-authors of paper published in Science magazine include 10 from Clark, including undergrads More than 300 million years ago, coal production on the planet came to a sudden stop, leaving a puzzle for scientists. What happened? Newly published research by Clark University biology…

Clark tree project takes root

The October 29, 2011, freak snowstorm was a tree killer. Throughout the Northeast, thousands of snow-laden limbs — made extra heavy because the leaves still clung to them — crashed to the ground. Trees large and small were split like cordwood, many beyond saving. In the days after the storm, the Clark green was littered…

Downing St. on its way to renewed purpose as a pedestrian plaza Summertime, and the living is … noisy. Those working on and around campus these warm days are getting used to the sounds of backhoes and jackhammers as crews transform Downing Street into a pedestrian plaza, and connect the Sanford and Johnson residence halls. The hydraulic song of construction is also being heard at the…

New book examines how political leaders ‘sell’ war to the public

  Michael Butler, associate professor of political science, has long been preoccupied with the question of “why we fight” and how America’s political leaders justify going to war with other countries; he shares his thinking on this question  in his recent book “Selling a ‘Just’ War: Framing, Legitimacy, and US Military Intervention” (Palgrave Macmillan 2012). “The…

E-teaching initiative selects Clark to use dynamic multi-media tool

Clark is among six universities chosen to work with Boston College’s proprietary MediaKron digital instruction platform and will participate in the most extensive educational technology initiative in BC history. Following a nationwide request for proposals, BC’s Office of Academic Technology invited faculty from six universities to use MediaKron technology to explore and create dynamic multi-media course…

ICESCAPE scientists announce stunning discovery under Arctic ice

Discovery of phytoplankton mega-blooms beneath Arctic sea ice stuns scientists; Clark researcher co-authors report on the NASA ICESCAPE findings NASA announced an “astounding” discovery of huge phytoplankton blooms thriving where least expected – beneath the Arctic Ocean sea ice. The report titled “Massive Phytoplankton Blooms under Arctic Sea Ice” was published in the journal Science…