What’s happening at GSOM and Clark this week?

**RESCHEDULED GSOM Faculty Research Presentation with Dr. Siti Parida**

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014

Time: 12 – 1 pm
Place: Carlson 128

Do you want to learn more about the innovative research GSOM faculty are involved in? How can their research enhance your learning in the classroom? How does it impact what is happening in the world outside of Clark?

Come join us for the first presentation in GSOM’s New Faculty Research Seminar Series. This series is intended to provide an opportunity for students to learn about GSOM faculty research, but all in the Clark community can attend!

“Unintended Consequences of Financial Regulations on Mutual Fund Performance”

Featuring Dr. Siti Parida

Lunch will be provided following the talk!

Net Impact Career Summit in Boston, FREE TRANSPORTATION

Date: Friday, February 21, 2014
Location: Boston University School of Management
Time: Meet on Maywood Street at 6am, bus leaves at 6:15am. We will return to campus in the afternoon (between 2-3pm)

Looking for a summer internship or job after graduation? Interested in a career in social responsibility or environmental sustainability? Want a free bus ride to a great networking event in Boston?

Come to the Net Impact Career Summit in Boston! The event is organized by the area Net Impact Chapters, and Clark Net Impact is providing free transportation to and from the summit.

You must register on your own as a Net Impact Graduate Student, but GSOM Career Services will gladly reimburse your registration fee after the summit if you bring by your invoice and name tag or program.

Please inform Robin Miller (romiller@clarku.edu) when you register so we know to account for you on the bus.

For additional questions, contact:

Robin Miller

Clark Net Impact

VP Marketing and Communications


Follow this link for REGISTRATION and additional details: http://netimpactboston.org/career-summit.


Connecting with Your Audience, Pitch and Be Heard with Bill Kenney (Test My Pitch)

Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Time: 12-1pm

Location: Carlson Hall 128

Topic: Entrepreneurial Pitch

Bill Kenney is the founder of Test My Pitch, an online community that helps entrepreneurs draft and get feedback on their business idea pitches. As a serial entrepreneur, Bill has started 6 companies from a large regional business networking organization to retail ice cream shops, and everything in between. Bill is passionate about delighting customers and empowering entrepreneurs.

Free lunch provided by Spark Entrepreneurship Organization following the event.

RSVP through Clark Recruiters (Career Events): https://www.myinterfase.com/clarku-gsom/student


Higgins School of Humanities Presents – Feminism, Failure, and “Failure” — A Multigenerational Community Conversation

Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Time: 7pm

Place: Higgins Lounge at Dana Commons

Hugh S. Manon (Visual and Performing Arts) presents a selection of images as a means of theorizing the ontology of glitch. His images derive from the abuse of faulty software and from the semi-arbitrary manipulation of the data that comprises various digital photography formats. In each case, a delicate balance has been struck: the glitchy damage is significant enough to be seen, but not so drastic as to render the file unreadable. The software that “reads” the glitchy images does not “crash,” but instead fails to fully fail. The result is often an explosion of color and scrambling of image content, reminding us of the complex algorithms beneath the seamless perfectionism of all digital media.