ClarkYou is an internal communication tool for Clark faculty, staff, and students. It offers information about campus news, upcoming events, administrative notes for faculty and staff, and the personal and professional accomplishments of the Clark community. It serves as an important vehicle for general news and announcements from the University for the community. Campus Digest also communicates announcements from departments on campus, and may include general announcements from a variety of campus sources that may be of special interest to the Clark community.
Submission of Articles
All items for the Campus Digest will be submitted by the information owner. Submit Now. Authors are responsible for their own content and are expected to follow all submission guidelines. Submitted articles will be reviewed by an editor who will either approve and publish the article or return the article to be resubmitted. The decision of an editor is final and authors who have their article returned to them will be expected to make the proposed changes and resubmit for approval.
All articles should be timely and include information relevant to the Clark community. If an article’s relevance will be null after a certain date/time, the Author has the option to expire the post so that the article will disappear from ClarkYOU at the pre-determined date/time.
Editorial Review
At the discretion of the editor news and announcements submitted to Campus Digest:
- May be revised and/or edited for clarity, grammar, and Clark style;
- Will be assigned a category, or may have their category reassigned to a more appropriate category;
- Will be assigned an issue date;
- May set an expiration date if deemed appropriate;
- May be chosen to be featured as front-page news on the Clark University web site.
Articles appear in the proper ClarkYOU channels based on the date and time of their approval. It is not possible to force an article above another. Articles will be returned if they include grammatical/spelling errors, questionable content, and/or erroneous or insufficient details.
Submission Deadlines
Articles will be reviewed by an editor within 24 hours of their submission or the next business day. Authors should plan accordingly and submit articles in a timely fashion.
Any articles submitted for “Marketplace” should include the relevant contact information of the seller. News Digest will not post student sublets or property rental information. Anyone interested in renting or subletting a property can contact Residential Life and Housing. For full policies regarding the Marketplace, go here.