Using Video in Your Course

Using video in the classroom can allow you to offer your students a different way to learn, engage and be inspired. It is also a great resource to leverage on those days when students do not have a physical class on campus. With providers like TED, PBS, Khan Academy and many others, there are many options for quality videos that can help your student engage with your content and that can be linked into your Moodle course.

Clark faculty use videos in a variety of ways including:

  • as a starting point for a discussion.
  • performing a group critique of a movie/documentary.
  • showing a difficult-to-replicate demonstration, experiment or experience.
  • reiterating lecture or textbook concepts in new ways.
  • supplementing concepts from the lecture/textbook.

If you are interested in using videos in your classroom, consider some of the following providers:

  • TED Talks: inspiring & educational talks on a wide range of topics.
  • PBS: news, science and cultural documentaries.
  • Khan Academy: short clips explaining topics from a range of disciplines including math, science and economics.
  • CGP Grey: explanatory videos on varying subjects, including politics, geography and economics.
  • Crash Course: introductory videos on World History, Biology, Literature, Psychology, and more.

If you are interested in learning more about using video in your course, click here to contact the Academic Technology team.