Using Moodle for Digital Assignment Submissions

Did you know that you can have your students submit their assignments digitally via Moodle?

At this point in the semester, you may find that your email inbox is beginning to fill up with a number of student assignments. Or perhaps you collect your assignments on paper and have stacks piled around your office. If you find these unwieldy, and if you want to be able to provide digital resources and feedback to your students, you should consider using the Moodle Assignment activity.

Some of the benefits of using the Moodle Assignment activity are:

  • It provides a space where students can submit work.
  • It allows you to collect all of the instructions, rubrics, examples, links or any other resource connected to an assignment in a single place. This can help your students keep track of all of the requirements and allow them to have quick access to the resources.
  • You can require students to submit one or several files, and they can submit files of many different types (Word, Excel, Powerpoints and many more). It’s is possible to have them submit work as a group.
  • Assignments can have deadlines and cut off dates.
  • Student submissions are together on one screen, which makes for a more organized grading experience for you and your TAs.
  • It is also possible to create Moodle marking guides or rubrics, which can make grading even more efficient.

Interested in using the assignment activity in your course? Click here to contact the Academic Technology team for more information.