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Since the very beginning of the internet (the predecessor of which was called ARPANET, or Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), acronyms have abounded in our digital spaces and in the devices we use to get there. Below, ITS has included a list of some of the most used around campus. Some of these are specific to Clark, while others are universal within the world of technology.
- AIS: Administrative Information Systems. This team at Clark University works with many departments across campus to manage Banner and its many uses, including course registration, budgets, and more.
- ATS: Academic Technology Services. This team at Clark University assists faculty in utilizing educational technology, including Canvas, Panopto, Turnitin, and more.
- GB: Gigabyte. This is a metric of data storage. Most computers on campus have either 256 or 512 GBs of storage. To put that amount into context, 100 GB is enough to hold “around 25,000 high-resolution photos, 30,000 songs, or 150 hours of HD video.”
- HDMI: High-Definition Multimedia Interface. This is another type of port/cable commonly used at Clark to connect devices to larger displays. For example, most classroom podiums have an option for connecting a laptop to the projector via HDMI. This cable can be used to transmit both audio and video.
- MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication. This process involves attaching multiple factors, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or apps, to an account to verify your identity to help protect your account it from unauthorized access.
- OS: Operating System. An operating system is the way your computer interface appears to you and organizes data such as documents, user profiles, and more. Windows 11 and Sequoia are two examples of current operating systems for PC and Mac devices respectively.
- RAM: Rapid Access Memory. This is fast, temporary storage used for applications to run and not to store your files. The amount of RAM a device has usually impacts how quickly applications can run, and a slowdown of a device may be due to not enough RAM for all the work we ask our devices to do.
- RDC: Remote Desktop Connection. This is an app within Windows devices that allows you to “remote into” a campus computer while working remotely.
- SSO: Single Sign-On. This involves using your login information for one platform or account, such as Microsoft or Google, to log into a different platform, app, or account. For example, you can use your Clark account information to sign into LinkedIn Learning.
- SSPR: Self-Service Password Reset. This process allows you to reset your password on your own without involving ITS. You can read more about SSPR at Clark HERE.
- USB: Universal Serial Bus. This is a type of cable and port found on many different devices, including Clark-managed laptops, which helps you connect external drives or accessories such as mice and can also charge many devices. There are different types of USBs; the most common are USB-A and USB-C.
- VPN: Virtual Private Network. This is a tool that allows you to connect to a specific network (in our case, Clark’s network) even if you’re not physically on campus, which provides extra security and stability no matter where you are working.
Have any questions about tech acronyms? Contact the ITS Help Desk!