Advance Your Skills with LinkedIn Learning

Bahia, BrazilLinkedIn app logo on smartphone screen on office desk.

The start of school is the perfect time to brush up on your skills so you can be confident, happy, and productive for the upcoming academic year. Clark University provides free LinkedIn Learning access to all members of the campus community. Practice public speaking, explore Excel, or manage mindfulness skills! Click here to access LinkedIn Learning. 

ITS has curated a few collections. Check them out! 

In recent months, LinkedIn Learning has also introduced a new AI coaching feature, which can identify helpful skills and courses to address specific challenges you’d like to work on or area of growth you’d like to focus on. Click here to learn more about LinkedIn Learning’s AI coaching.  

Faculty members can also create specific learning paths or collections for their students and monitor progress in LinkedIn Learning. Contact the technology training specialist if you’d like assistance in harnessing the power of LinkedIn in your upcoming classes.