Tag Archive for genocide studies

David Strassler, M.B.A. ’11, honorary Trustee and Clark champion, receives ADL honor for lifetime achievement, leadership

David H. Strassler, M.B.A. ’11, honorary member and former chair of the Board of Trustees and longtime supporter of Clark University, recently was honored by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in recognition of his dedicated commitment to the fight against ant-Semitism and for his decades of leadership in the service of ADL’s mission to combat hate.…

‘Manufacturing Denial’ conference delves into multi-disciplinary genocide scholarship

Historians, social scientists, philosophers, and natural scientists gathered recently at Clark University to discuss the phenomena of genocide denial and the denial of scientific truth—from evolution to climate change—during an academic conference held at both Clark and Worcester State University. “Manufacturing Denial: the Assault on Scholarship and Truth” (Oct. 24-25) was co-sponsored and organized by…