Tag Archive for emerging adulthood

Reunion speaker: Millennials should be valued in the workplace

The millennial generation is lazy, entitled and disloyal. That all sounds pretty terrible if it’s true. But it’s not, Lauren Stiller Rikleen ’75 told an alumni audience at the May 15 Reunion Dinner in Tilton Hall. Rikleen, an author and nationally recognized expert on developing a multigenerational workforce, was the weekend’s keynote speaker, and she…

Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults: We had it tougher; their future looks bright

Most parents say their grown children have a better life than they did when they were young, but their current life satisfaction is surprisingly similar to their children’s, according to the new Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults. The Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults (www.clarku.edu/clarkpoll/clark-university-poll-parents-emerging-adults.cfm) finds that 63% of parents…

Clark University begins first academic LEEP year

Clark University greets every new academic year with excitement and news about changes on campus. This fall, students, faculty and the entire campus community formally set out under the banner of LEEP (Liberal Education and Effective Practice), Clark’s pioneering model for higher education. LEEP builds upon the historic and distinctive strengths of Clark and fully…

Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults: College send-off can mean missing their BFFs

Forget those TV ads where parents gleefully anticipate “alone time” as they wave goodbye to their college-bound children. For most parents of emerging adults, back-to-school time means missing their best friends. The 2013 Clark University Poll of Parents of Emerging Adults  finds that parents and their emerging adults get along well, much better than they…

New Clark Poll of Emerging Adults belies ‘freeloader’ stereotype

In contrast with cultural stereotypes, particularly that of “freeloading” off their parents, young people actually receive little to no financial support from their parents and strive for independence, even if it means living on a tight budget, according to the latest Clark University Poll of Emerging Adults. The poll, directed by Clark research professor of psychology Jeffrey…

New Clark Poll: 18- to 29-year-olds are traditional about roles in sex, marriage and raising children

♦ Top results: Sex with emotional commitment; marriage before children; unions that last forever ♦ In an age of short-lived celebrity marriages, widespread divorce, babies being born outside of marriage, and the ever-popular “hooking up,” young people are remarkably traditional about their expectations for love, marriage and children—for both themselves and society at large, according to a…

NYTimes Mag feature on Arnett's research is talk of the nation

Professor of Psychology Jeffrey Jensen Arnett has struck a national chord with his studies on “emerging adulthood,” a term he’s coined to describe the phenomenon of young men and women delaying their commitment to careers and relationships. Arnett’s research was the subject of a cover story in Sunday’s The New York Times Magazine, which posed…