The Local Root Food Cooperative – General Interest Meeting

General Interest Meeting for the Local Root food cooperative, a student-run cooperative providing local and sustainable produce to the greater Clark community.   Please come with questions, interests, suggestions, and plans for the future. There will be great food and we welcome any and all attendees.   We hope to see you at 7PM on Thursday, October 11, in the Winton…

Career Services – Fall Update

Between apple picking, resting up and shopping for winter boots, Fall Break is a great time to ramp up your internship or job search.  Good news—Career Services is open all week!  Come see us at any time or at the following special hours: Open Office Hours with Lisa Radomsky; Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00-5:00 p.m.—for counseling…

This Week at Clark

Wednesday, October 10 ‘Circus of Possibilitarians’, 4pm on the Green Bread and Puppet Theater will perform a show called The Circus of Possibilitarians, a satirical horse and butterfly circus, addressing pertinent national and international issues in a clownish fashion, including rotten ideas, a wild dancing horse and some mellow lions, a solemn salute to the…