Reflections on International Development, Community, and Environment

Student Contributor Sean McCartney (Geographic Information Systems for Development and Environment ’15)

There are more times than I can count that I have either been at the IDCE Department, at a party hosted by IDCE students, or walking between classes, and my interactions with fellow students have always left me feeling like the “lone citizen” from these United States of America.

I have grown so accustomed to these experiences that I do not even notice it anymore. Yet in taking the time to reflect on these experiences, I realize how incredibly good we have it: students, professors and staff that are from just about every region of the planet constantly surround every one of us at IDCE. This has a profound effect on our learning experience and enriches the quality of our education immensely.

How can conversations ever get old when the cultures that weave us together permeate every aspect of our educational experience? Our department lives up to its name. In being the lone American at a party with twenty others, well, there are not too many times this has happened before coming to Clark.

As a student in the IDCE department at Clark University, this is usually the norm. I value this aspect of my education. Furthermore, I know the relationships made, and the contributions we all make – one conversation at a time, class by class, cultural event by event, party by party, semester by semester – will further our education more than any paper, test, or exam ever will.


Sean McCartnery (GISDE '15) during Holi festival

Sean McCartney (GISDE ’15) during Holi celebrations, Spring 2014

Sean McCartney

Student Contributor



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