Deadline to apply for membership in Fiat Lux Honor Society extended to April 5

The deadline for Fiat Lux Honor Society membership applications has been extended to April 5. If you feel you are eligible for this honor society, please use the link at the bottom to apply online.

Fiat Lux is an honor society for students that have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, and community service activities. For our purposes, service is defined broadly to include a range of activities such as direct service work, political and social activism, and student-led projects that benefit the wider Worcester community.

Fiat Lux members must maintain a 3.3 GPA and fulfill 10 hours of individual service each semester. In addition, members are required to attend monthly meetings and actively participate in planning the group projects. Keeping this in mind, the goal of this application should be to demonstrate your past accomplishments and future potential as a contributing member of Fiat Lux.”

Apply here